Here are links to the latest Beatles-related articles available online:
Rome kids eat ``Linda lunch'' in McCartney's memory
30 April, 1998
Thousands of Rome schoolchildren sat down to a meat-free
``Linda lunch'' on Thursday in memory of late animal rights
campaigner Linda McCartney.
EMI surges as company confirms bid approach
By Mike Elliott, Reuters
30 April, 1998
EMI Group Plc, the British music giant whose acts range from the
Beatles to the Spice Girls, saw around 970 million pounds ($1.6
billion) added to its value Thursday after the company confirmed
it had been approached by a suitor.
I wanna hold your... rat? Beatles fan faces charges
By Jon Burstein, Arizona Daily Star
30 April, 1998
If Paul McCartney dedicated a song to Colorado resident John
Cowie, it might be ``Get Back.''
Sean Lennon downplays conspiracy theory
By Karen Bliss, Jam! Music
29 April, 1998
Considering Sean Lennon felt betrayed by the press over his
remarks about the death of his father, the 22-year-old musician
is surprisingly open and friendly when it comes to chatting
about his two main passions: his debut solo album, "Into The
Sun", and his girlfriend, musician Yuka Honda of Cibo Matto.
Linda McCartney will be remembered for her
efforts to promote vegetarianism
By Kate Lawson, The Detroit News
28 April, 1998
We criticized her for marrying the cutest Beatle
and said she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but
when it came to cooking, animal lovers and
vegetarians sang her praises.
McCartney Case Raises Questions of Truth,
By Eric Lichtblau, Julie Cart, Los Angeles Times
24 April, 1998
As authorities in Santa Barbara verified Thursday
that Linda McCartney did not die there as a family
spokesman originally claimed, ethicists and public
relations specialists debated a troubling question
that has grown out of the controversy: Is it
acceptable for celebrities and public figures to lie
in order to protect their privacy?
The Simpsons Remember McCartney
24 April, 1998
The cartoon inhabitants of Springfield are paying
tribute to one of their own.
For the love of Linda: Fans finally came
to love Paul's wife the way he did
By Susan Whitall, The Detroit News
24 April, 1998
It took 30 years, but former Beatle Paul
McCartney's public persona came to be
irretrievably linked with his wife Linda's.
She Led a Good Life, So Let It Be
By Mike Downey, Los Angeles Times
24 April, 1998
On her deathbed, my sister wanted to clear up a
misunderstanding about which of the Beatles she
had hoped to marry.
California officials drop McCartney death
23 April, 1998
The Santa Barbara County sheriff's department
concluded its investigation into the circumstances
surrounding Linda McCartney's death, saying all
evidence indicated she had not died in Santa
Barbara nor anywhere else in California, and
they, therefore, had no jurisdiction over the case.
McCartney spokesman admits 'decoy'
23 April, 1998
A police investigation into where Linda McCartney
died appeared close to a conclusion Thursday after a
spokesman for Paul McCartney confirmed she did not
pass away in Santa Barbara, Calif., as he initially
stated. The ex-Beatle also denied as "utter rubbish"
suggestions that his wife might have been assisted
in death.
Linda McCartney Death Probed Mystery
over where ex-Beatle's wife died
By Susan Sward, Kevin Fagan, San Francisco chronicle
23 April, 1998
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department
said yesterday it is investigating Linda McCartney's
death -- even as the family's publicist indicated that
McCartney did not die there.
Linda McCartney Death Mystery
E! Online
23 April, 1998
Where--and how--did Linda McCartney die?
Mystery now clouding the previously thought open
-and-shut reputed cancer death of rock legend Paul
McCartney's wife.
Linda McCartney's Death Probed
23 April, 1998
Mystery surrounds the death of Paul McCartney's
wife Linda, with police saying that no death
certificate was filed in California and reports she
may have died in Arizona instead.
He's So Brave To Speak Out
Online Mirror
22 April, 1998
Paul was "very brave to speak so eloquently about
Linda at this stage", a bereavement counsellor said
last night.
I Wrote To Ease My Pain
Online Mirror
22 April, 1998
It was the hardest, most heartbreaking piece of
composition Sir Paul McCartney has ever attempted.
Paul: My Last Words To Linda
By Kevin O'sullivan And David Pilditch, Online Mirror
22 April, 1998
Paul McCartney revealed his final words to dying wife
Linda last night.
Her Message Of Love Will Live On In Our
Hearts For Ever
Online Mirror
22 April, 1998
Sir Paul McCartney issued this moving statement
yesterday, pouring out his love and grief for wife
A Death In The Family
By Joyce Millman, Salon
21 April, 1998
When you're 12 and you have a crush on the cutest
Beatle and he goes and weds a pale divorced
photographer with a kid -- well, these things are hard
to fathom if you haven't been in love, real love, yourself yet.
McCartney Plans Album of Songs by Linda
By Jill Serjeant, Reuters
21 April, 1998
Former Beatle Paul McCartney cradled his dying wife,
Linda, in his arms and talked her through the final stages
of cancer after the disease took a sudden turn for the
worse, friends said Tuesday.
Notorious lover who succeeded as mother
By Kathy Sheridan, The Irish Times
21 April, 1998
With the news of her death fragments of vaguely-
remembered images and interviews jostled for attention.
Linda McCartney's ashes scattered on her
beloved family farm
21 April, 1998
Linda McCartney's ashes have been scattered on the
family's farm. Ex-Beatle Sir Paul brought her ashes
back to Britain by private jet on Saturday and took
them straight to the farm at Peasmarsh, East Sussex.
Ex-Beatle McCartney Grieves for Wife Linda
By Jill Serjeant, Reuters
20 April, 1998
Grief-stricken former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney was
in mourning on Monday at his southern England home
after the death from cancer of his American wife Linda
at the age of 56.
Linda McCartney 1941 - 1998
20 April, 1998
Tributes have been pouring in to Linda McCartney
who died after a long fight against breast cancer.
Linda McCartney dies of cancer
By Sebastien Berger, Electronic Telegraph
20 April, 1998
Linda McCartney, wife of the former Beatle Sir
Paul, has died of cancer at 56. The couple had
announced in December 1995 that she was suffering
from breast cancer, but it was thought that her
condition had improved.
Remembering Linda McCartney
By Nathan Thomas, ABC News
20 April, 1998
She met Paul McCartney when, as a celebrity
photographer, she took pictures of the hottest group in
the world. This morning, the tributes to Linda
McCartney portray a woman who was much more than
the wife of one of the Beatles.
Linda McCartney Dead of Cancer at 56
Los Angeles Times
19 April, 1998
Linda McCartney, the American photographer who broke
a generation of teenage girls’ hearts when she married
Beatle Paul McCartney, has died of cancer, her publicist
said Sunday. She was 56.
Linda McCartney dies of cancer at 56
USA Today
19 April, 1998
Linda McCartney, the American photographer who broke
a generation of teen-age girls' hearts when she married
Beatle Sir Paul McCartney, has died of cancer, her
publicist said Sunday. She was 56.
Linda McCartney dead
BBC News
19 April, 1998
Linda McCartney, the wife of the former Beatle Sir
Paul McCartney, has lost her battle against cancer
at the age of 56.
Linda McCartney, wife of former Beatle,
dead at 56
19 April, 1998
Linda McCartney, the wife of former Beatle Sir Paul
McCartney, has died from cancer, the star's publicist
said Sunday. She was 56.
Paul McCartney's Wife Linda Dead at 56
19 April, 1998
Sir Paul McCartney's wife Linda has died, a statement
from the pop star's press office said Sunday.
Sean Lennon: Maybe Not
The People Daily
17 April, 1998
A spokesman for Sean Lennon says the son of Yoko Ono and the late
John Lennon regrets his comment that the U.S. government may have
killed his father.
Metallica, Hanson, Beatles DVDs In Works
By Julie Taraska, Billboard
16 April, 1998
A slew of DVD music video titles from top acts is due this year.
A DVD exclusive release from Metallica through Warner Home Video
is due in November, according to manager Marc Reiter of Q Prime.
BMI Foundation and Yoko Ono Present First Annual
John Lennon Scholarship to Aimee M. Sims
Excite News
14 April, 1998
BMI Foundation, Inc. and Yoko Ono have announced the winner of
the First Annual John Lennon Scholarship as Barnard College student
Aimee M. Sims.
Sean Lennon's Conspiracy Theories
By Joal Ryan, E! Online
13 April, 1998
When Sean Lennon sings, he sounds like John Lennon. But when
he talks, he sounds uncannily like...Oliver Stone.
The 22-year-old offspring of Beatle John and Yoko Ono thinks a
conspiracy worthy of a three-hour Stone diatribe (see JFK) is behind
his father's 1980 shooting death.
Mercury Records Set to Release New Album from
Legendary Ringo Starr Entitled 'Vertical Man' on
June 16
7 April, 1998
Mercury Records is set to release a new album from the legendary
RINGO STARR entitled "Vertical Man" on June 16.
Tired of Chic Simple? Welcome to the New Romance
By Ginia Bellafante, Time
6 April, 1998
And thank designer newcomers Alber Elbaz and Stella
McCartney for giving it just the right flair.
And the Beatlemania goes on
By Andrew Downie, The Boston Globe
5 April, 1998
With a little help from their friends, the six scruffy youths find a
space on the packed restaurant floor, and a few moments later
they are twisting and shouting.
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